Payment can be made to BDNKC using cash, check, or PayPal. To reserve a space, payment for the class, workshop, or clinic must be received by BDNKC at least one week before the event. No refunds after first class.  No cancellation or refunds within one week of first class or event start.

A cancellation fee of $20 will be charged.

BDNKC’s postal address is 6687 N.75 Dr, Escanaba, MI 49829.

Class & Length

Gold Members

Basic Members


Puppy Skills & Socialization

4 weeks

$50 $90 $100

Puppy Star

6 weeks

$75 $115 $125

Obedience, Rally, Agility

6 weeks

$75 $115 $125

Obedience, Rally, Agility

4 weeks

$50 $90 $100


(2+ hours)

$20 $25 $25

Games, Mock Trial


Conformation run thru


Class fees are per dog and based on the type and length of the class. Please check the type and length of your class to determine the appropriate fee.

If you are interested in becoming a member, see our membership application: